Verde Participates in #EveryoneIn, A United Way Collaborative

Last Thursday, Verde, along with other local organizations, pitched ideas for a United Way collaborative called #EveryoneIn, working to bring together non-profit, startup, technology and design professionals to co-create innovative ideas to help low-income parents and communities thrive.
Alan Hipolito, the director of Verde, pitched an idea called Suma, a community led, collective food purchasing concept. The basic premise would involve pooling money to buy food in bulk and pass those savings down to residents.
Other ideas presented at the pitch included;
Refugee Farmers: Matching refugee farmers with land, equipment, marketing and other farming support. Pitch led by Djimet Dojo from IRCO.
Friends First: A fresh take on making better mentor matches through cultural exchange and other community strengthening partnerships. Pitch led by Kimberly Porter from Black Parent Initiative.
Prosper: A digital toolkit to support development of financial knowledge, resources and relationships, empowering people to build and share personal roadmaps to prosperity. Pitch let by Amanda Hart from Metropolitan Family Services and Rachel Hall from Innovative Changes.
The first prize went to the Refugee Food Access and Farming Initiative sponsored by Africa House/IRCO and the second prize went to Suma sponsored by Verde.
A big thank you to the United Way for organizing this event and the planning sessions that led to the pitch last Thursday.
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