Youth Programs
Creating opportunities for youth engagement on Living Cully projects is key to empowering and creating real skills for the next generation of leaders in Cully! Middle school youth from neighborhood Schools, and from Hacienda’s Expresiones After School Program are engaged in projects that impact their neighborhood, provide hands on learning and exposure to career paths. Middle School students from Scott School designed the Community Garden at Cully Park in 6 design sessions, working with a landscape architect (Terrafluxus) and volunteer design session leaders to consider questions such as where to place amenities, accessibility for elderly and disabled, and connecting to the larger park. Participants from Scott School, Rigler School, the Community Transitional School and Hacienda CDC’s Expresiones program led the design of the 10,0000 sf play area at Cully Park. For the playground design, students worked with Verde, Vigil-Agrimis and EarthPlay (a Cully-based business), to learn basic design concepts, map reading, scale and calculating area with an architect ruler. Each group developed an initial play area design, combining typical playground features with nature play elements. By leading with the community on development projects, Living Cully is able to leverage this opportunity to engage youth and provide real-life educational exeperiences.
Environmental Education at the Neighborhood Scale
Cully Playground design (2012)
Khunamokwst park design process with Green Works (2012)
Rain Gardens design process (2013)
Solar energy and Panel solar Series (2014)
Rain garden design process Scott School, SUN School (2015)
Current Projects:
Club Aves
Neighborhood youth participate in 6 annual birding fieldtrips through Living Cully and Hacienda’s Expresiones After School Program. Club Aves partners include: Audubon Society of Portland, Metro, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and Impact Northwest.
Transportation Options Curriculum and Wayfinding. Verde and OMSI are working together to develop an educational curriculum around transportation options. In this curriculum we’ll develop specific topics as environmental and health acts related with active and alternative transportation. The curriculum introduces students to STEM careers, and it inspires students to walk and bike to local parks by strengthening student knowledge and skills about transportation related decision-making. Another important topic will be way finding, this last topic will be combined with mapping, navigation, data collection, design process, and careers related to Wayfinding.The curriculum included 9 classes for 3 Expresiones groups in 2015-16. The curriculum has since been adapted to be taught in high school setting , the modified program now called PATH, Promoting Active Transportation and Health. The class is currently being taught in Early College Academy at the Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA). In the fall the class will be taught at both Rigler and Harvey Scott Elementary.
Upcoming Internships and Opportunities
Are you a high school youth in the Cully Neighborhood? Want to help your community? Looking for an internship or volunteer opportunities in the neighborhood? Please visit our get involved page to learn more and get in touch!