Get Involved

Interested in getting more involved with Living Cully but not sure what you would like to do? Please fill out the form below!

    Cully Housing Action Team: CHAT! The Cully Housing Action Team! (CHAT!) is a group of Cully neighborhood residents and allies, convened by Living Cully, that is advocating and organizing to solve housing issues facing low-income residents and people of color. Issues that CHAT! is concerned about include: rising rents, landlord intimidation of renters, lack of access to affordable homeownership, unhealthy and unsafe housing conditions, and the vulnerability of Cully residents to displacement as housing becomes more expensive.
    Get involved! Contact Cameron Herrington:, 503-489-8334


    Cully Walking Group (Foot Patrol). This group meets twice monthly to walk through the neighborhood focusing on crime prevention and safety, especially around Cully Park, and Living Cully Plaza. Interested in joining the walking group?
    Please contact Malin Jimenez at Verde:, 503-897-0331.


    Website Translation: Are you fluent in both Spanish and English? Living Cully aims to maintain quality online content in both English and Spanish. We are seeking a volunteer to help translate recurring weekly blogposts from English to Spanish. If you are interested in volunteering, either one time or on a weekly basis, please contact Jess Faunt at, or 503-858-0537.


    Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. Volunteer opportunities take place on and off the construction site, and are available for individuals, corporate groups, faith groups, student and youth groups, and AmeriCorps members. To learn more about volunteering with Habitat’s projects in the Cully Neighborhood contact Cassie Punnett at 503-287-9529 ext. 40 or at or visit Habitat’s volunteer page here


    Volunteer with Hacienda CDC. Interested in working with youth? Hacienda CDC’s Expresiones After School Program works with youth K-9th grade on literacy, homework and enrichment activities. Volunteers help with After School Tutoring and activities at one of Hacienda’s three housing-based After School Program sites in Cully. For more information contact Jaclyn Hoy:, 503-459-7608.


    Volunteer with the Native American Youth and Family Center. Naya has many opportunities to volunteer, from mentoring youth to working in the garden! Please fill out the form on their website to get involved.

    Interested in getting more involved with Living Cully but not sure what you would like to do? Please fill out the form below!